Honeybee Swarm

Do you have a swarm?
Many of our members are able and willing to help identify and remove a swarm at little to no charge. Below you can learn more about identifying bees, wasps, and bumblebees.
Gather as much information as possible, including:
- Picture(s) of the swarm
- Location (as specific as willing, but at least city)
- Last time you saw them and length of time that they have been there
- Prefered contact information and best time to contact
Jeanne Hansen – 608-244-5094
Identifying Honeybees
It is difficult at times to determine the difference between honeybees, bumblebees, wasps, and hornets.
Almanac.com has a great website that explains many of the differences.
A swarm is very easy to identify as it thousands of bees swarming or hanging onto a branch/post/etc. When a swarm is identified, it is best to reach out right away so that a beekeeper can help relocate them to a safe and desirable location.
Don’t panic if you identify a swarm, they are usually docile and have full bellies.

Bumblebees are usually very docile bees, but if they build a nest near a place where you or your family frequent they can become defensive. Bumblebees are usually very fuzzy and bigger than honeybees.
The University of Wisconsin Madison has a great website regarding bumblebees (https://wisconsinbumblebees.entomology.wisc.edu). At the bottom of their website they have contact information for people who have a nest near Madison that they absolutely need to remove.